About Us
The International Cleft lip and Palate Foundation is a multi disciplinary humanitarian foundation devoted to cleft lip and palate patients. It was established on October 23 1997, at KYOTO with more than twenty countries participating.
What are the goals of ICPF?
- 1. To advance the care for cleft lip and palate patients, worldwide.
- 2. To strengthen care activity in cleft lip and palate treatment through volunteer activity, charity missions and fund raising.
- 3. To hold a multi -disciplinary international congress in order to facilitate mutual understanding.
- 4. To establish a network system of information exchange, regardless of fields and organization.
- 1. No such organization currently exists.
- 2. CLP is the most common congenital anomaly in humans and therefore merits special and particular attention for voluntary activity.
- 3. A multi-disciplinary foundation will permit membership to surgeons, orthodontists, speech patholgists, geneticist, pediatricians, anesthesiologists, prosthodontists,and most importantly patients and family members of patients. This kind of very broad membership base is not possible in a professional specialty association.
The foundation has the Board of Trustees, which is an administration body, ,consisting of President, Professor Hans-Henning Horch, who was responsible for organizing and executing the congress in the year (Sep.2002 - Jun.2004), Professor DAVID PRECIOUS from Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada, Secretary -Tresurer, Professor. NAGATO NATSUME, Director of the Japanese Cleft Palate Foundation. Other Trustees and/or Executive Board Members include Dr. Kenneth E. Salyer, Dr. Marie Tolarova, Dr. Amado Ruiz-Razura, Dr. Diego F. Wyszynski, Dr. William Magee, Professor Emeritus Byong-II Min,Tet Soeparwadi and other distinctive experts.
It is envisioned that eventually each country would establish a non-governmental organization and/or a complimentary National Cleft Palate Foundation, which will form the basis for a more formalized structure in future. For now though, the first priority is to promote membership.
The ICPF has regional branches worldwide.
ICPF Central OfficeICPF Branch in Asia-Pacific region
JCPF Japanese Cleft Palate Foundation
c/o Aichi-Gakuin University
2-11 Suemori-dori, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8651, JAPAN
TEL/FAX : +81-52-751-7181(ext. 359
E-mail : info@icpfWeb.org
ICPF Branch in Europe
c/o Professor Hans-Henning Horch
Klinik und Klinik fur Mund-Kiefer- Gesichitschirurgie
der Technischen Universitat
TEL : +49 89 4140 2921
FAX : +49 89 4140 4993
E-mail : horch@mkg.med.tu-muenchen.de
ICPF Branch in the Americas
c/o Professor David Precious
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada, B3H 3J5
TEL : +1 902 494 1679
FAX : +1 902 423 9584
E-mail : d.s.precious@dal.ca
The first world cleft congress was held in ZURICH in 2000, under the presidency of professor Hermann Sailer. In 2002, "the Cleft 2002" took place in MUNICH under the presidency of Professor Horch. In 2004,''the Cleft 2004" in HALIFAX, CANADA hosted by Prof. Precious is also scheduled.
When will the ICPF world workshop take place? The first workshop will be held in and 2003 in TEXAS, USA under the presidency of Dr. SALYER, a plastic surgery of worldwide fame and also an enthusiastic volunteer.